Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Make Money Online

Making Money on the Internet Requires SMART Goals
By C. Mark Babcock

When you start any business, you must set out goals for yourself, A home business is no different. You need to have clearly defined and achievable goals in order to have success.

The acronym S.M.A.R.T. is a great way to start. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time Sensitive.

Specific goals are essential. Know what you want and be very clear. If you have a vague idea it can not possibly come about, but if you know exactly what you want it is an achievable goal. If you know of a house in your town you want to own, take a picture of it and put it on your wall. If their is a university you wan to send your kids to, write it down.

Measurable goals allow you two things. One, you know when your goal has been achieved, and two, you gain momentum in your business as you achieve. If you have the goal of earning $5000 a month, when you start to earn you have a way of knowing you are achieving that goal. Use your measurement as motivation.

Attainable goals are necessary to keep your mind focused on building your Internet business. Create both short term and long term goals. Have a way of knowing that as you build, you are seeing success.

Realistic goals will give you that sense of urgency. If you want your business to pay your credit card off, start with gaining just the monthly payment, and a second goal of the entire balance. By keeping it realistic you will not get discouraged.

Time sensitive goals give you the deadlines to achieve. By setting an actual date you have the ability to come up with an action plan to achieve your goals.

When you use the S.M.A.R.T. method for your goals you have a basis for action. Always write down what your goals are and a plan of what you need to do each day to achieve those goals. By taking baby steps each day you can achieve your goals and then set new ones.

C. Mark Babcock

Article Source:

C. Mark Babcock - EzineArticles Expert Author

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